
For the blog this week we were made to analyse and see the reliability of research methods an journey through 6 links to gain and understanding of the word subvertisement. Like ‘the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon’ I’ll find a link from each page I look at and comment on how well they link.

After typing subvertising into google I clicked on this link:




Defines subvertising as: “a cultural guerrilla movement of loosely affiliated artists, activists and other individuals who target advertising. Subvertising is part of a wider movement known as Culture Jamming, a term coined in 1984 by the band Negativland”

The site overall gives an in depth view of what subvertising means and gave various examples of where it would occur through the inclusion of graffiti artists like Banksy and so forth. It also gives a lot of image examples which has proven helpful in my understanding of what the word means to me.

Scrolling to the bottom of the page it had a list of related websites and it brought me on to the site named the BLF (billboard liberation front).

Their slogan alongside their logo was: “Marketing for the people” showing posts of the many works of culture jamming they did by editing billboards in America. I thought that this was a great example especially as a description into their work become incredibly sarcastic and calls their work as ‘improvements’ even going further to say that these large corporate brands are their clients to prevent public stigma of these controversial corporations. This site gives good examples into what culture jamming consists of  documentation of  their edited – I mean corrected -billboards. Their work show that they always have a well thought out plan of the brand they want to target as well as the message they want to portray, which mostly tends to be quite striking.

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So far my research has taken to some more example of these subvertisments with billboards shown here on this flickr photosteam:


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The next link I found was on their contacts page which was rather minimalist But they provided their Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 21.02.36.pngown manual for people who would want to help. It was an entire guide on the whole process editing billboards from targeting a billboard to edit to how to deal with the authorities if they show up.

By this point I’ve pretty much reached a dead end with any alternative links. but In the end I found about six justifiable links in this search. right?The websites I have found did give me some extensive examples of subvertisment from what it is to an comprehensive guide on how to do it myself  So I feel this randomised clicking of links has proven fairly successful despite the point of the task was to prove the possible unreliability web results can provide.

Nailed it!  ..kinda I didn’t really understand the task ahaha.

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Jasmine Tucker

London College of Communication – BA Hons Graphic and Media Design



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